Dataflurry has developed an impressive new tool to check keyword density
Check Keyword Density within your Page Titles, Meta Tags, H1, H2, H3 and other Header Tags, Images ALT tags as well as page content keyword density. These are absolutely INVALUABLE for your keyword rankings after keyword research has been completed.
This tool allows Dataflurry to properly optimize our client website’s as well as provide an invaluable tool for our clients and website visitors needing to check their keyword density with this easy to use tool.
Keyword Density is extremely important in ALL of these areas. Also ensure that you include keywords in your page domain names (URL) as well as the file names of your .html or .php pages!!!
We have developed advanced features that allow you to check keyword density of all terms that are repeated throughout your web page. Keyword Density is extremely important, and this tool allows you to check your keyword density of your website easily and quickly.
Visit our Check Keyword Density Tool Today!
Below are screenshots of the example keyword density report.
Check Keyword Density of Meta Tags (title & description)
Our Keyword Density Tool will analyze all header meta tags included in your Title and Description to ensure you are including your major keywords in your header tags.
Check Keyword Density of Header Tags
Our Keyword Density Tool will analyze all header tags and keywords included to ensure you are including your major keywords in your header tags. H1, H2, H3, etc.
Image Alt Text Keyword Density
Link Anchor Text and Keyword Density analyzer
Lastly, we cover all your pages content keyword density!
Easily and quickly see if your targeted keywords are included in your page content enough to properly target your top keywords in major search engines.
Visit our Check Keyword Density Tool Today!